We think everyone deserves to feel good in their own body.

The world is complicated, life is busy, and getting enough of what our bodies need is hard. But every day fiber for the whole family – _that_ can be simple.

We prioritize whole food, organic, and honestly-sourced ingredients.

Food is its most nutritious in its natural form, so we keep every ingredient whole and organic – partnering with farms we trust to provide you with the best food for you and your loved ones’ bodies.

Three Sisters

Dina, Melanie, and Teresa

Despite Omege3NutraCleanse (Nutura Fiber today) being a part of our family history, it was not a part of our upbringing. On the contrary, we consider ourselves products of the convenience food generation – with sugary cereals and cans of soda as much a part of our childhood as the campgrounds on which we ran wild.

But, the more we learned about nutrition and our own family's past, the more we wanted to invest in discovering, incorporating, and sharing real healthiness in our – and our growing families' – daily life.

Upon taking over the family business, and experiencing the benefits of daily fiber first hand, we doubled down on the company's mission to make that same healthiness accessible to our customers, keeping the convenience we learned from our childhood, but adding a whole lot of high quality nutrition, everyday.

Whatever Your Reason, We’re Happy You’re Here!